I've had a think and come up with the idea of a lovingly curated Box o' Scraplets. Six of the most popular and delightful Scraplets you'll ever meet, indeed it could be said they are six of the most important Scraplets in history and are all pretty much nailed on to be central characters in the upcoming blockbuster stage show - Scraplets: The Musical. Two large, two medium and two small. All bases covered. A happy family of vibrant colours and energy for the entirely unrealistic price of £75. 😉) That's saving you fifteen quid to spend on scratchcards. And you'll have a box full of dreams and aspirations.
For your money you'll get
1) Cheesecake Phil (green, £20 RRP)
2) Shakira Shakira (pink, £20 RRP)
3) The Lyrical Jesse James (red, £15 RRP)
4) Princess Diana PI (yellow, £15 RRP)
5) Sir Dave Quack (orange, £10 RRP)
6) Gary Frenchkiss (blue, £10 RRP)
Remember, all these Scraplets come with their biographies on a little gift tag so you'll be able to easily identify them when they start causing trouble and you need to call the police again.
NB - Scraplets are NOT toys for children, to be honest. They're wood decor. Put simply, they're not really suitable for unsupervised use by children - they've got nails and screws sticking out of them. Common sense and vigilance is advised at all times.
Viva le Scraplets!